This section provides additional details about the personal data that we process when you use the following 服务:  



当您使用Viasat浏览器时, we automatically collect certain online usage information so that over time the Viasat Internet Hinting Service feature included within the browser provides more accurate hints about URLs of interest for the purpose of enabling faster page loads.  We collect and process through the Viasat Internet Hinting Service data including your IP地址, 网络访问全局唯一标识符, app usage and click-stream data (including the app features you engage and the webpages you visit), 网页网址, 对象列表(e.g., 图片, 文本框)在网页上, 每个对象加载的时间, 加载对象时是否发生任何失败, 对象元数据, and whether the object was in the browser cache and whether the domain was in the DNS cache.  The click-stream data that we process is relayed from the Viasat Hinting Service and aggregated with clicks to that particular site made by other users of the Service for purposes of optimizing and improving the Service.


另外, we process information on the browsing environment such as whether ad blocking is enabled, 以及有关设备CPU的信息, 磁盘, and operating system so that these elements are considered when analyzing web page load performance. We also collect additional information and perform 分析 related to your experience with the Service and the performance of your Internet connection to aid in troubleshooting and optimizing the Service.


向您提供本服务时, we also store hashes of the cookie values along with the cookie names for each request and response associated with rendering a specific webpage. 最大限度地减少跟踪和从cookie收集数据, we cryptographically hash cookies with a SHA2 algorithm before they are processed by the Viasat Hinting Service.


除本节所述以外, the Viasat Internet Hinting Service data does not process data that you enter into the browser when visiting or interacting with a website, 例如用户名和密码, 持卡人数据, 搜索引擎查询, 联系信息, 或任何其他用户输入的数据. 


You have the option to temporarily limit the Viasat Hinting Service’s access to your information by operating Viasat Connect in incognito mode (ctrl-shift-N).  在隐身模式下, Viasat Connect不与Viasat提示服务通信, 但请注意,页面加载速度可能会因此降低.


We receive Service crash reports that include data related to the associated incident, 其中可能包括我们仅用于评估故障的个人数据, 努力改正这个问题, and improve our products and services to reduce the chance of the malfunction occurring again. 除了, you have the option to send us feedback reports that include data related to your Service usage.

最好的电竞竞猜app大全的声音 is a home phone service available to certain Viasat Internet subscribers.  Viasat collects and maintains information known as customer proprietary network information (“CPNI)作为最好的电竞竞猜app大全的声音的一部分. CPNI包括, 除此之外, 你如何使用最好的电竞竞猜app大全的声音, 例如, 通话记录和你的账单信息. 您的最好的电竞竞猜app大全的声音电话号码、姓名和地址不构成CPNI.


U.S. 联邦法律通常允许Viasat在其提供的最好的电竞竞猜app大全的声音中使用CPNI, 包括该服务的帐单和收款. Viasat也被法律允许使用, dis关闭 or permit access to CPNI (i) to provide or market service offerings among the categories of services to which you already subscribe; or (ii) for legal or regulatory reasons, 比如回应法院的命令, 调查欺诈行为, to protect Viasat's rights or property or to protect other users of Viasat’s services against unlawful, 欺诈或滥用Viasat的服务.


Viasat does not sell or trade your CPNI with anyone outside of Viasat and those third parties authorized to perform functions on Viasat's behalf related to the performance of 最好的电竞竞猜app大全的声音, 除非法律要求或允许,或你另有授权. 无论是最好的电竞竞猜app大全, 或向Viasat提供CPNI的任何第三方, 将CPNI用于营销目的, 除非法律允许.

This 隐私通知 also applies to the individuals and businesses that host a 社区 Internet, 无线网络, 或其他宽频服务,以便向其他人提供有关服务(“主机”). 


我们收集已经或可能成为房东的个人和企业的信息, 包括标识符, 详细联系方式, 个人记录, 和国民身份证号码. 此信息可能包括名称, 物理地址, 税务识别号, 联系方式,包括电话号码, WhatsApp数量, 和电子邮件地址, and the 主机 image as part of the site surveys we or our partners perform when selecting 主机. We may collect this information either directly from you, or from our third-party business partners.


We process this information to assess whether to extend you an offer to host a broadband service solution at your location, 要么现在,要么将来. 如果您同意安装宽带服务解决方案, 我们将处理您的信息以提供账户和技术支持, 帮助改进解决方案, 并与您联系,提供与服务有关的优惠和促销活动. 我们可能会与我们的关联公司(包括最好的电竞竞猜app大全公司 .)共享您的信息.,以履行本段所述的职能. 


主机 can exercise their rights over their personal data at any time by following the instructions in the “您的选择和数据保护权利的部分。 隐私通知

在一些地方, Viasat acts as wholesale provider of connectivity services and processes the personal data of our partners’ customers.  在这种情况下, 合作伙伴是我们的客户, and the partner has the direct relationship with the customer (you) receiving the internet service. Personal data we process when we are a wholesale provider includes Usage Information including device identifier, IP地址, 以及我们为向客户提供服务而处理的URL相关信息.


我们处理您的个人数据是出于我们的合法利益, 包括履行法律义务, 建立和管理我们与合作伙伴之间的合同关系, 就我们提供的批发服务提供技术协助, 法律索赔辩护, 防止犯罪活动.


我们只有在有法律依据的情况下才会与其他人分享您的个人信息. 如果我们将您的个人数据转移给英国以外的收件人, 瑞士, 欧洲联盟, 或欧洲经济区(EEA), we do so only where there is an adequate level of data protection in relation to that third country, 或者我们已采用认可的法律机制来支持转移(e.g.,使用标准合约条款或其他经批准的机制). Your personal data may be dis关闭d to public authorities or other entities authorized to have such access under the law.

When providing the Intelie LIVE on-prem software or software-as-a-service to our business customers, Viasat处理客户授权员工的个人数据, 咨询顾问, 承包商, 及代理商(“授权用户”). 


我们处理的授权用户的个人数据包括凭据, 商务电子邮件地址, and log-in information to enable access to the Service along with other technical and related information about Authorized Users use of the Service.  We do not use Authorized Users’ personal data in an identifiable way accept as necessary to provide the Service or otherwise meet our contractual obligations to the customer to which the Authorized User is associated, 或者遵守我们的法律义务. 


We also may aggregate certain data relating to Authorized Users use of the Service to support and troubleshoot issues, 提供更新, 自动化发票, 分析趋势并改进Viasat的产品或服务. 


Authorized Users can exercise their rights over their personal data at any time by following the instructions in the “您的选择和数据保护权利的部分。 隐私通知